Friday, July 27, 2007

"Pet Friendly"

According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, almost 65% of households in America have pets. Wow! I am glad to know that I am not alone! I love my new dog. His name is "Jack" (after Captain Jack Sparrow, arrg!) and he is a mix between a Poodle and a Schnauzer, more commonly know as a "Schnoodle". Click here for more information about Schnoodle's. We chose our new home in part because it was "pet friendly".

The National Association of Realtors, reports " Spacious yards and condominiums that allow pets are moving closer to the top of buyers' lists of priorities. According to Chicago-based agent Mario Greco, clients often refuse to consider buildings that do not accept animal companions. " Read the whole article here.

I know for me, I wouldn't want to live where Jack was not as at home as the rest of my family. Let me help you and your "family" find the home of you dreams.

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